Purpose of Online Consultation
During the time of intense ascension or Twin Flame journey – which is the highway of ascension, usually there are few people around us who are able to understand what we are going through. Sometimes we end up losing friends and alienate family because we hurt so much, and they cannot help us at all.
Ascension support can be provided by someone who has experienced it first-hand. Not only can I understand what you are going through but also provide advice and practical tools to help you on the way.
Before Booking
Think about the main subject or few questions you would like to discuss. It would help you if you could provide these in advance of the call in the booking form. This way we can use the time to focus on the answers. You can ask additional questions during the call, of course.
Please also note that the calendar is displaying my local time that you can check here.
In case you are unable to use the online booking system for some reason, please email me on info@tinyspeckoflight.com and make the payment according to the required service using the donation link.
If you are interested in ongoing ascension support or mentoring, please email me on info@tinyspeckoflight.com.
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Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}
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Your appointment booking summary
Pay Locally