Raise your vibration to manifest

Why Is Your Vibration Important? And 5 Ways To A Better Life

The law of attraction states that you can only manifest what matches your vibration. So in order to get a happy life, you have to vibrate at the “happy” frequency. Raising your frequency sounds like a science experiment. It is not as complicated as you might think.

As quantum physics states – everything is energy. And that energy creates vibration, they have their own specific frequency. I’m sure you have noticed how happy people tend to elevate everyone’s mood in the room. This is because their vibration is higher and affects everyone around them.

Frequency of emotions

David R. Hawkins researched and wrote about human emotions and their frequencies that are mapped on a scale from 0 to 1000 in a book called “Power vs Force”

Our frequency is a collective total frequency of our physical body, our mental body (thoughts) and emotional body (our feelings). This frequency changes at every moment depending on how we feel and what we think or what we are doing. You can have different frequencies for different areas of your life – that is why you might enjoy going to the gym in the morning but not taking an exam at Uni on the same day.

According to the hierarchy of emotions listed by Dr. Hawkins, our lower emotions start from 20 to 75 on the scale of 0 to 1000. These are the emotions of the Ego which carry the message of “things are done to me”.

Shame has the lowest vibration and carries the feeling of misery and humiliation. Going up from there comes feeling guilty, victimised and blaming others. Another step higher is apathy with helplessness and hopelessness. And then there is grief with sadness and depression.

Emotions of low vibration

The next level, from 100 to 175, represents the linear emotions that carry the message “things are done by me”. These start from fear with worry and anxiety. Next one might come as a surprise – the feeling of desire that comes with greed and feeling insatiable.

Then comes anger with hate and aggression which is also a moving energy. And then there is pride that makes us very demanding and dependent on external conditions to make us happy.

Medium low frequency emotions

All these emotions listed above make up the destructive energy that we can create with our feelings and thoughts. These cause all sorts of negative experiences and also can help to create physical illnesses – especially chronic conditions, when practiced on a daily basis.

The next level starts from courage (200) that is the emotion where the power first appears and goes up to reason (400). These are the spiritual emotions that carry the message “things are done through me”.

Courage makes us feel empowered and excited about life. Neutrality makes us feel trust, satisfaction and feeling of inner confidence – our energy becomes very positive. Willingness makes us feel successful and we overcome the inner resistance to life. In this state our energetic growth is very fast.

With acceptance comes a major transformation with understanding that you are the creator of your own life. This is the point where you forgive and take responsibility for your life experience. Reason can only come after all the previous stages with understanding and using your rationality, knowledge, intelligence and education to create a happier life for yourself.

Medium high frequency emotions

And the highest level of emotions starts from love (500) that eliminates negativity and goes up to enlightenment (700-1000). These are the enlightened emotions that carry a message “things are done as me”. 

Love brings true happiness, heightened intuition and decisions made from the heart. Joy has a huge effect on everyone around you, your life feels effortless and you may notice synchronicity.

Peace makes you feel that your life has a higher purpose to make the world a better place. With enlightenment comes powerful inspiration, higher understanding of life and our experience as a human being. It also has a huge effect on other people and the world’s energy field.

High frequency emotions

From courage upwards, all feelings carry creative energy and help your life to expand. 

If you are in a high vibrational state then you can perceive mainly positive things in life since your vibration attracts that type of energy to come to your life. Your reality reflects your frequency. You can knowingly raise your vibration and through that create a better life for yourself.

You can look at the chart below and map which emotions dominate you and consciously step up and raise your vibration.

Frequencies of your emotions

What affects your vibration?

There are many things that affect your vibration. Pretty much all things that influence your body, emotions or thoughts can change your frequency. So it is important to take notice of your environment –  food you eat, people that surround you, the music and other sounds, the words you speak, the thoughts you think and even the smells that surround you.

The very first step is to start noticing your emotional reaction to the external environment. We cannot always control what goes around us but we can always-always control how that affects us. But there are things we can control.

For instance, many people are used to following daily news but very often do not feel very good after getting the list of negative information. They end up thinking about these things for hours and talk about it with others. Which kind of spreads the negativity even more. If there was a news channel that only covers positive news in the world, then it would be totally different.

And you might have noticed how watching a good stand up or after laughing with your friends you feel much better then before. So laughter is one of the easiest things that you can access anywhere to help you raise your vibration.


People that you have the most interaction with every day have a huge effect on your vibration. There are some people who are amazing and you will always look forward to catching up. And then there are the ones that have very bad influence on us. 

There is no point in trying to get someone to get into your frequency when they are not ready. It is therefore easier to keep your distance from some people and minimise the contact with them. If you know and know how to notice this then you can also protect yourself.

I have some people in my life that I have to interact that are extremely negative about everything. I have used crystals to help me to shield my energy field. If such people love to call you, it is good to do something else at the same time or just to get the tap flowing. For some reason running water has a protective effect during phone conversations with negative people.

Here are some suggestions of the crystals that have worked for me: hematite, black tourmaline, onyx, tigers eye.


Freshly prepared foods vibrate at 10-15MHz, therapeutic grade essential oils can have frequency of 52-320 MHz. Fresh herbs have a frequency of 20-27 MHz and dried ones have 12-22 MHz. It is also good to know that processed canned foods have the vibrational frequency of 0 MHz.

If you believe that you can raise your vibration by eating some specific diet then it can be true. But there is no universal right diet to raise your vibration.

The foods that raise your vibrations are the ones that are good for your body. You will just have to feel what works for you. Our bodies are so very different. I know many people who are full vegetarians, and some who are on total keto and both have high vibrational frequency.

I have noticed that for some reason some of my vegan friends seem to be the ones more in trouble since they focus a lot on the animal cruelty and therefore are preaching the negativity and this is not good for anyone’s vibration.

I am not about to argue with any of them, but I also do not think it is right to force your own beliefs on anyone. Especially by using fear and horror. Everyone has to find their own way to feel good.


In order to understand what sound is and what is higher frequency, we first must understand what 50Hz stands for. It means that the sound produces 50 waves of energy per second of time. The higher the number of waves per second, the higher we hear the sound.

Humans can hear sounds from between 20 hz to 20 000 hz. This range decreases with age and most adults can only hear up to 13 000 to 15 000 hz.

Sounds below 20 hz and called infrasound and sounds above 20 000 hz are ultrasound. Many animals can hear far lower and higher frequencies than people. 


Colours are the light visible to the human eye. Each colour vibrates at a certain frequency in the electro-magnetic spectrum. And through that vibration it also influences the environment.

I have a habit of wearing black when I feel like I need extra protection. It feels like a shield that protects me from everyone’s energy.

The frequency of colour is also the reason why people in the business world prefer blue since it supports confident speech and clear communications. And why baby’s room is coloured green or pink to emphasise love.

People who are depressed also want to pick red, black or grey colour clothes. However, it is advised to pick some higher vibrational colours to help to lift your spirits.

Understanding this can help you to choose the colour of your next garment, wallpaper for your bedroom or a car you’ll buy.

How to raise your vibration through chakras?

Chakras are energy centres of the human body that each have their own corresponding frequency – colour and sound. Each chakra is related to a particular set of DNA codes within our body, an organ, nervous system, plexus, hormones etc. 

If one of them is not functioning properly, it is likely that your physical body is starting or already is hurting in some way. It is a sign that something is not right in your energy body. As was written in a previous post, there is always an energy pattern before something physical appears. 

It is good to know the frequencies of your healthy body and below which level the diseases can get to us. Cold symptoms come up with 58MHz, flu 57 MHz – cancer at 42MHz and our body starts to die at 25MHz. 

By using the energy of colour and sound you can also transmute the discordant energy and align the body’s harmonic energy to increase health, vitality and well-being. Note that the frequency for corresponding colour is 42 octaves higher than the frequency of the sound.

Music and colour frequency for chakras

If you feel that one or the other chakra is blocked or you would like to raise your vibration then it is good to start listening to the music that corresponds to the frequency you are aiming for. You can also start wearing the clothes that match the frequency you are trying to get into.

You can find specific Chakra music on YouTube if you feel a need to focus on one. Here is a meditation that helps to balance all chakras through sound and raise your vibration.

You can also use semi-precious stones to support your chakras. It is good to wear the stone close to the location of the chakra. For instance if you want to influence your throat chakra you might wear turquoise earrings or for your heart chakra have a rose quartz pendant that hangs over your heart.

Root chakrafire agate, black tourmaline, bloodstone, hematite, tigers eye

Sacral chakracarnelian, citrine, coral, moonstone

Solar plexusorange calcite, citrine, malachite, topaz

Heart chakra – green calcite, green tourmaline, jade, rose quartz

Throat chakraaquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, turquoise 

Third Eyeamethyst, black obsidian, purple fluorite 

Crown chakraamethyst, diamond, clear quartz, selenite

Now you know why on some days you like certain type of music. You also know why certain people have a positive and others negative effect on how you feel.


You can also knowingly dress yourself in certain colours to feel better and use crystals to protect and heal yourself. Even if you don’t believe it because you cannot see it, it still works – like gravitation.

It is good to know how to operate in this world full of vibrations. It is also good to know how your environment influences your vibration. This is one of the main things that explains why we feel the way we feel or what our life experience is like. Once you start knowingly using this knowledge, your life can become much more enjoyable.

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