Below you can read all blog posts I have written so far. As I am in constant growth, then some of the older posts could be re-written and I will address these subjects in the future as I gain more insight and experiences. Life is a journey after all and here is a small piece of mine.
– Blog –
- Twin Flames: Quantum Physics Explains Soul RecognitionIt is very hard for people who have never experienced being a Soul recognition in Twin Flame connection, to understand how it is different from any other romantic relationship that left a strong impression
- How to tell if I am a Twin Flame? 5 signs to know, 9 steps to helpTwin Flame subject is such a hype at the moment. Almost every person who has a relationship likes to call their other half their Twin Flame. The trouble is that when you have not
- How to Heal Yourself into Enlightenment?All the people who have ascended tell you that you do not need healing for ascension. But then you do have your Ego/Mind that is telling you to try a million things to “fix this” situation that you are in. And you are actually in the process of dismantling the Ego/Mind. So, of course your Ego/Mind will try to control this situation to stop you on your tracks.Saying that, healing is not bad. But it must be kept in mind that healing IS NOT ASCENSION. Ascension really does not require any healing but in order to get to the process of ascending, you must wear your Ego/Mind down.
- Being Human: How to end suffering for good?
Most decisions in life are driven by our wish to lessen suffering in our life. To make it more comfortable, more enjoyable, more peaceful and fulfilling. Somehow this life is always in the future and not here. This is because we are so good at creating suffering for ourselves without noticing.
Every human being who is born into this world will have a pain body, as Eckhart Tolle calls it. A lot of it is formed from the experiences that we label as negative over the course of our life.
- Being Human: Painful ascension? Blissful enlightenment.Many people experience Ego Death sometimes in their life. If they are not spiritual, they might not call it that. Some might think that this is ascension, but it is not.
These painful experiences can act as triggers to ascension. But what really is ascension? And what is enlightenment where the ascension path leads? How can we get there?
One thing for sure – there is no 10-step program you can follow to reach enlightenment. And there is a very simple reason why.
- How to heal? Switch on your innate healing abilitiesIf we look at the whole human body, then it reaches far beyond our physical world. It is an extremely sophisticated system that has self-repair programs built into it. In order to keep ourselves healthy and if needed, to heal ourselves and others, it is very important to understand the whole system.
It is also important to understand the universal laws that govern all things – including our body and healing abilities. It is also important to understand the reason for the illness and approach healing accordingly.
- Being Human: How To Work With Your Energetic Bodies?
During my time in medical school, one of the things we had to learn was the anatomy of the human body. We memorized hundreds of muscle, bone, organ etc names in Latin with the functions that these were carrying out in the body.
However – there was not a single word about the energetic makeup of the body. I have learned about it now after reading lots of books on spirituality, energetics and quantum physics.
In the following I will try to describe what I have learned about the energetic makeup of the human body.
- How to find your talent: download your maximum life plan from universeIn this post we see how to analyze your family, your own life and passions to find your talent.
- The Dark Night of The Soul: Why is it happening? How to get out of it?Everyone of us has some low periods in life, but some of them stand out. These are usually the ones that start very suddenly and bring with it the biggest changes in our lives. Sometimes it can be such a big change in life circumstances that it ends up changing our personality and general direction in life. These periods feel like hell and there seems to be no way out.
- A New Angle: Health, Energy and SicknessThese days it is especially important to understand how to maintain our health. I bet most people have not really understood the mechanics of how we get sick. And by most people I would also include health professionals.I have also finished a medical school and none of this what I am about to write here was covered in our curriculum.
- Fear – a bad ally, a good teacher. The best ways to fight fear.Fear is a false experience that feels real. Very often we imagine that we are somehow in danger from a situation when there is no real threat. Since our brains are highly evolved there is not a single thing in the world that someone was not afraid of. And all these fears are driving from one fear – the fear of death.
- Manifestation: A 5-Step Guide And The Hidden TrapsHere I will discuss the basic technique and mistakes that people make when manifesting. Also – some vital points to consider that are often not mentioned when talking about the manifestation.
- What Should You Know About Karma?Karma is a sum of all previous actions. And it is not defined by only this lifetime but all existence that your soul has previously gone through. And it is the energy from where your future arises.
- Information fields. What is an egregore? Good or bad?How information and egregores are connected? How egregores make us do certain things in life? Is there a way to become free and step out of the unwanted energies?
- Why Is Your Vibration Important? And 5 Ways To A Better LifeThe law of attraction states that you can only manifest what matches your vibration. So in order to get a happy life, you have to vibrate at the “happy” frequency. Raising your frequency sounds like a science experiment. It is not as complicated as you might think.
- How to use quantum physics for manifestation and activate the law of attractionQuantum physics is the new approach to explain the way our universe operates. It also gives us scientific explanation how energy affects the physical world. This is also how the manifestation actually works.
- Why you need to get in alignment with yourself? No 1 thing to your new improved lifeBeing in alignment with yourself means that you are living in harmony with your Inner Self, your life purpose. You might think that you are doing ok, even though things could always be better, but why should you change anything? It is all good. Well, what if it could all be great, amazing, wonderful? What would be the 1st step to achieve a better life?
- Your thoughts can unlock your happiness and full potentialI believe every person has had a moment in life when their thoughts are racing without the “owner” having no control over it. How can we be mindful of our thoughts and how do thoughts affect our life?
- You need to know if Ego is bad + 3 new rulers of your lifeSome think that Ego is who we are, some consider egoistic people the worst in the world. Until Ego runs free, it is the main thing ruling you and therefore extremely important. After reading and researching the subject quite a bit, I found out that Ego is actually not very important at all after you have gained control over it.